Cleaning Products as Hazardous Waste

When you clean your home, you use different products. You may not think of them as harmful, but they often contain hazardous chemicals that must be used and disposed of properly.  Perhaps, the safest way to maintain your home is to hire house cleaning services in Clayton. However, you should… Read More

Best Tips and Tricks for Storing Cleaning Products

Getting down to cleaning is difficult enough as it is. But, it gets even harder if you have to dig through a bunch of tools and products for ages before you find your mop, broom, or duster. If you organize and store your cleaning supplies for easy access, it… Read More

Best Cleaning Products For Home Maintenance

Enthusiasm might be the most important thing when it comes to cleaning. Yet, you need tools for the trade. Carefully chosen and quality cleaning products will make your life much easier.  You can always hire a maid service in Clayton and not think about cleaning at all. But, if you… Read More

Your Guide to Green Cleaning

Are you looking for ways to make your home more eco-friendly? One great way to do that is to switch to green cleaning methods. This is not only better for the environment, but it can also be better for your health. The idea of eco-friendly upkeep has been spreading… Read More

Top 3 Cleaning Myths and Facts

Cleaning is something that almost all of us have to do on a regular basis. Whether it’s washing dishes, mopping floors, or scrubbing the bathroom, there are lots of common myths and misconceptions about how to do it effectively.  Using the wrong products can damage your furniture and your… Read More

5 Common Housekeeping Mistakes

Most people would agree that home upkeep is a pretty straightforward task. And though it seems there’s little that could go wrong with dusting, vacuuming, and scrubbing, the opposite is quite common. So what can you do if you’ve got all the right tools, yet you’re somehow making your house… Read More

6 Handy Tips to Keep Up With Household Chores When You’re Tired

Although home maintenance may not be one of your favorite activities at the end of the day, you can hardly avoid it altogether. Spending that little free time you actually have left dusting and vacuuming can be frustrating, at the very least, and could even make a single chore a… Read More

7 Places You’re Forgetting to Clean

Most people tend to forget that there are so many places far from their plain sight when following the same household routine. Even though regular vacuuming, mopping, and dusting keep your home relatively tidy, these neglected spots are true magnets for dirt and harmful bacteria.  But is it possible to… Read More

The Expert Guide to Cleaning Hard-to-Reach Areas

Although some still find it hard to let go of the old saying out of sight, out of mind, the truth is it doesn’t really apply to home maintenance. It’s to everyone’s benefit to admit there are some places you tend to neglect when doing your household tasks. Keeping… Read More

6 Tried-and-True Speed-Cleaning Hacks

Do you ever feel pressed for time simply because you’re spending too much of it imposing order throughout your home? Or perhaps you’re just too busy with work and commute to give your place in Kirkwood the cleaning it really needs? Calling in professional house cleaning services is certainly an… Read More