Kitchen Hot Spots You Should Disinfect

The kitchen is the most used space in every home. Someone is eating or making a meal every few hours. If you don’t regularly clean and disinfect your kitchen, it will quickly become germ-laden.
If you are in Maplewood, to be on the safe side, you can hire a maid service. On the other hand, if you like to keep everything under control yourself, read on to find out which spots to focus on.
How do I keep my kitchen sponge germ free?

Kitchen sponges harbor billions of microorganisms, including potentially dangerous E. coli and Salmonella. This is why it is essential to keep them as clean as possible.
Sanitize it regularly
Wash your sponge frequently with hot water and dish soap. Get rid of excess water and let it dry out well in your dish rack.
Use it for dishes only
Use your sponge only for dishes. Cleaning counters with it can increase the possibility of spreading germs, especially after handling raw meat, fish, eggs and dairy.
Replace it often
It’s a good idea to replace your kitchen sponge at least once a week, depending on how intensively you use it, even once every few days.
How do I disinfect my kitchen sink?
The kitchen sink is supposed to be a symbol of cleanliness. This is where we do most of our washing and cleaning. Yet, it is one of the dirtiest spots in our home. Moisture and food particles make a favorable environment for bacteria. Here are the tips on how to clean it.
Disinfect first
Start by spraying a quality disinfectant. Let it sit for a few minutes to kill viruses, and then wipe it. Finally, rinse with warm water.
Clean with baking soda and bleach
Baking soda can refresh and brighten dull stainless-steel sinks. Sprinkle the soda onto a damp soft cloth and scrub the sink. Don’t skip any nooks and crannies. Then, rinse off any leftover streaks.
Next, plug the drain and fill the basin with warm water. Add a little bleach and let that sit for at least five minutes before draining the sink. Finally, rinse the bleach off with warm water.
How to disinfect kitchen counters?
Even if you use a cutting board to chop everything on, you still need to keep your kitchen counter clean. Debris falls off cutting boards, juices run off, and you get a germ-friendly surface that gets in contact with dishes. It is also important to know how to properly clean and disinfect your kitchen countertop to prevent the spread of food-borne illnesses.
First, get rid of any debris or food particles left on the counter. You can simply brush it and soak up any spills or wet messes with a dry towel or rag.
Now that you’ve removed the solids and liquids from the counter, you can get down to proper wiping. Use a rag and hot water mixed with a few drops of a cleaning agent. Plain dish soap will do. After you wipe the entire surface, rinse it with clean water.
The cleaning still hasn’t killed all the bacteria. Use bleach or other sanitizers to finish the job. Apply 1:10 bleach-water mix with a rag or spray bottle.
Where in Maplewood can I find a reliable maid service?
Cleaning and disinfecting your kitchen can be overwhelming. If you feel like you need some help, the best idea is to hire professionals. The seasoned staff from Better Life Maids will provide you with a range of maid services. We’ll tackle cleaning your bathroom tiles, disinfect your hardwood floors, and keep your windows perpetually clean.
Our team uses only eco-friendly products and methods for the safety of you and your family. Let our team do their job while you enjoy with your loved ones at Shaw Park. Contact us today!