Great Business Ideas For Green Moms


Going “green” is clearly more than a fad or a passing whim of society in the US. In fact, the average household used to produce over 6 pounds of trash per day, and that number shot down to 4.7 during 2011. There is a very interesting phenomenon that happens when you become a parent. You suddenly realize that you DO need to worry about what happens once you are gone. Thus many new moms grasp for ways to “go green.”

Many publications cover ways that we can “go green,” but no one has ever spoken to that working mom that perhaps wants to go beyond recycling and make an even bigger change: starting a green business. Our co-founder Angela Ricketts was a green mom who took her idea of creating a green house cleaning service and grew it into a national brand. Below are some interesting businesses, including our Better Life Maids franchise system, that allow for the mom to make money while actually saving the environment.

  • Run your own cloth diapering service: while there are many commercial entities out there, they are cost prohibitive to many, and the costs are actually minimal if you already have a high-efficiency/large load system
  • Become an organic baby food maker in your neighborhood/mom’s groups – selling your “leftovers” when you are making food for baby is a great way to earn some extra money
  • Invest in a green franchise such as Better Life Maids that only uses earth friendly products
  • Create your own secondhand store via a consistent garage sale to get rid of old clothes, and make extra cash
  • Create an organic garden and sell your produce
  • Make/sell beeswax candles

Obviously these are just a few ideas to get your entrepreneurial juices flowing. There are literally limitless possibilities to create a small business to support your momtrepreneurial ambitions. And how big you grow it is only limited by your ambitions.

Better Life Maids is a green house cleaning service founded in St. Louis, MO. Better Life Maids is seeking to grow in select markets through a franchise development program, as well at the addition of new company owned units. Better Life Maids has partnered with Better Life a green household cleaning products company to help create the first national green product and service brand. For more information visit or