Car Cleaning Tips To Keep It Looking Great: Use Better Life Natural Cleaning Products

Better Life Maids… Washing Cars?

OK, our maids are not branching into car washing! We’re very good at cleaning homes, we’ll stick to that. But with a fleet of vehicles, we do know a thing or two about car washing.

Your car will last longer, look newer and smell fresher with a routine cleaning. Plus, you’ll look good driving it.

There are generally two ways for your car to get clean: at the car wash or at home. Let’s tackle the car wash first. <Cue “Workin’ at the Car Wash”>

Now, there are two kinds of car washes – the automatic variety and the “do-it-yourself” manual variety.

If you elect for the automatic variety, car care experts recommend you use the “ touch less” version. Why? Because it’s known those using brushes or flaps of heavy fabric can actually cause light scratches on your paint. With repeated use, those scratches begin to add up, affecting your car’s resale value. That’s never a good thing, no matter how clean your car might look.

If you prefer the DIY variety car wash, be careful with the sprayer and use any brushes available with caution. The sprayers are designed to spray water at a pressure washer speed. This gets caked on dirt and detritus off your car in an effective manner. It can also really hurt if you accidentally spray your foot. Be aware of where you’re pointing the nozzle. And that brush that could be provided? Consider not using it since you don’t really know what the last person did with it. Nothing is worse than using a brush to scrub some dirt off only to discover a rock lodged in the bristles…leaving a nice scratch for all to see. (It’s happened.)

Whether you use a DIY or automatic car wash, save your money on the wax. It’s far better to apply it yourself because hand-rubbed wax provides needed oils to the paint and provides U-V protection.

For those of you who truly like to DIY it – wash your car at home. It can be a fun way to beat the heat and create a lasting (good) memory with your kids and/or significant other. There’s nothing like a good hose fight to get people laughing. Just remember to use products that are biodegradable and safe for Mother Earth as many of those suds will end up in your yard, and the storm sewers that run off into our waterways. Of course Better Life products are completely safe for marine life and rapidly biodegrade.

Better Life natural cleaning products are also great for cleaning all the surfaces of your car as well. Better Life’s Dish It Out makes a great general purpose suds. Apply to your car and rinse off. Use Better Life’s what-EVER! for stubborn grease. Spray it on, let it sit and then attach with a soft bristle brush or microfiber towel. Use I Can See Clearly Wow! for all of the glass sufaces in the car. You can also use it to safely wipe down all the interior surfaces. Lastly Einshine can be use to polish up all the chrome and metallic finishes on your car. They will shine like the day they were made.

Experts suggest you find a shady spot to wash your car to avoid the magnifying effect of sunshine on
water droplets. While it would take a long time to truly impact your paint job, those little blobs of water
can help the sun damage your car’s surface. If anything, don’t just leave your car to dry in the sun. Use a
towel – or better a chamois – to dry the surface. You’ll end up with a nicer looking finish anyway. Once
it’s dry, you’re ready to wax. Look a for a car wax that is carnauba based, without petroleum additives.

If you decide to wash your car at home, don’t use harsh household cleaners. They can damage the
clear coat used to protect your paint and leave a whitish film. The exception? You CAN use Better Life natural
cleaning products. The Better Life all-natural products deliver a clean, film-free shine inside your house and on
your car. Better Life even has an an Auto Care Kit™ perfect for all your car cleaning needs! Check it out today