Benefits of Hiring a Cleaning Service

In this video, Kelly Judge shares her experience with the time-saving benefits of hiring a cleaning service and how it has positively impacted her busy life as a working mom. She discusses the challenges and benefits of seeking help with household tasks.

Keeping up with household chores can be a significant challenge, especially for individuals with a full-time job, a busy family life, and various other responsibilities. Many people, like Kelly Judge, struggle to maintain their homes amidst the demands of modern life. In this blog post, we’ll explore Kelly’s firsthand account of how hiring a cleaning service transformed her daily routine and renewed her sense of peace and productivity.

Challenges of Balancing Responsibilities

Like many individuals, Kelly prioritizes her career, family, and personal pursuits. However, the increasing demands of juggling a full-time job, a husband, a growing business, and a busy toddler led to a sense of overwhelm. She candidly expresses the sentiment many women feel—that they are expected to manage everything and uphold an unrealistic standard of perfection. Kelly’s experience highlights the everyday struggle of upholding preconceived notions of domestic perfection and self-reliance in the face of modern realities.

The Impact of Changing Priorities

Kelly humorously notes the changes in her tidiness level from her days in an apartment to life with a family. Her testimony echoes that starting a family alters one’s perspective on cleanliness and organization. With the realities of shared living spaces and evolving priorities, it becomes evident that maintaining the same level of cleanliness and organization becomes increasingly impractical. This phenomenon is relatable to many individuals who experience a shift in priorities and responsibilities as they navigate different stages of life.

The Need for External Support

Acknowledging the impossibility of maintaining an “over the top, organized, clean” environment, Kelly emphasizes seeking help from a professional cleaning service. Her experience reflects the growing acceptance of external support in managing household responsibilities. Individuals need to recognize that seeking help does not signify a failure to meet societal expectations but rather a practical response to the complexities of modern living.

Benefits of Hiring a Cleaning Service

Kelly highlights the significant impact of enlisting a cleaning service on her well-being. Her description of the “reset” feeling and the sense of peace and order that follows a cleaning session is a testament to the emotional and psychological benefits of delegating such tasks. The ability to regain control over one’s living space and the subsequent reduction in stress is a common positive outcome experienced by many who opt for professional cleaning services.

Enhanced Quality of Life and Satisfaction

Kelly emphasizes the joy and satisfaction of coming home to a clean and organized environment. The enhanced sense of pride in one’s home and the confidence to invite others over demonstrates the far-reaching impact of maintaining a tidy living space. Moreover, the relief and freedom from outsourcing this responsibility and hiring a cleaning service allow individuals to redirect their energy and focus on other meaningful pursuits, ultimately enhancing their overall quality of life.

Trusting and Reliable Relationships

Kelly’s testament to Better Life Maids’ reliability and trustworthiness shows the importance of establishing a positive and consistent working relationship with a trusted organization. Beyond the actual cleaning, she values the team’s interpersonal qualities and professionalism, indicating that the relationship extends beyond the service itself.


Kelly’s customer journey with a cleaning service serves as a compelling example of the transformative impact of seeking external assistance in managing household responsibilities and the time-saving benefits of hiring a cleaning service. Her story not only sheds light on the practical benefits of professional cleaning services but also underscores the broader implications for mental well-being, productivity, and overall satisfaction. By embracing the idea of shared responsibility and seeking support when needed, individuals like Kelly can reclaim valuable time and energy to invest in what truly matters, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.