Quick and Easy Tips to Remove Odor from Clothes

Smelly clothes can be a nuisance and a source of embarrassment. Whether it’s the lingering odor of sweat, smoke, or other offensive smells, it’s important to know how to effectively remove these odors from your clothes. While washing your clothes may seem like a straightforward solution, sometimes it’s not enough to get rid of stubborn odors. That’s where these quick and easy tips come in handy. In this blog, we will explore various strategies and techniques to eliminate odor from clothes, ranging from natural remedies to advanced methods. By following these tips, you can ensure that your clothes smell fresh and clean, no matter what odors they may have picked up.

Easy and Quick Strategies to Eliminate Odors from Your Clothing

Eliminating odors from clothes doesn’t have to be a complicated process. There are several easy and quick strategies that you can use to get rid of unwanted smells. These strategies include using baking soda for freshness, harnessing the power of white vinegar, leveraging sunlight for natural odor removal, using essential oils for a pleasant scent, and utilizing activated charcoal for odor absorption. By incorporating these strategies into your laundry routine, you can effectively eliminate odors and keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean.

1. Using Baking Soda for Freshness

Baking soda is a versatile ingredient that can help freshen up your clothes and eliminate odors. Here’s how you can use it effectively:

  • Add half a cup of baking soda to your wash cycle to neutralize odors.
  • For sweat stains, make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the affected area before washing.
  • Check the care label of your clothes to ensure that baking soda is safe to use on the fabric.
  • Baking soda can also be used to freshen up shoes by sprinkling it inside and letting it sit overnight before shaking out the excess.
baking soda spill

2. The Power of White Vinegar

White vinegar is another powerful tool for eliminating odors from clothes, especially workout clothes that tend to retain sweat smells. Here’s how you can use white vinegar effectively:

  • Add half a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle of your laundry to remove odors.
  • White vinegar can also help remove sweat smells from workout clothes. Soak them in a solution of water and white vinegar before washing.
  • Make sure to follow the care instructions on the clothing label to ensure that white vinegar is safe to use on the fabric.
  • Run an extra rinse cycle after using white vinegar to ensure that any residual odor is completely removed.

3. Leveraging Sunlight for Natural Odor Removal

Sunlight and fresh air can work wonders in removing odors from clothes. Here’s how you can leverage sunlight for natural odor removal:

  • Hang your clothes outside in direct sunlight and fresh air.
  • The UV rays from the sun help kill bacteria and eliminate odors.
  • Make sure to turn the clothes occasionally to ensure even exposure to sunlight.
  • This method is particularly effective for removing musty and mildew smells from clothes.
clothes drying outside

4. Essential Oils for a Pleasant Scent

Essential oils not only provide a pleasant scent to your clothes but also have natural antimicrobial properties that can help eliminate odors. Here’s how you can use essential oils effectively:

  • Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water. Spray it on your clothes before wearing them or as a fabric freshener.
  • You can also add a few drops of essential oil to your laundry detergent or fabric softener to infuse your clothes with a pleasant scent.
  • Adding essential oils in the dryer via dryer balls can help too
  • Lavender, lemon, and tea tree essential oils are particularly effective in neutralizing odors.

5. Activated Charcoal for Odor Absorption

Activated charcoal is a powerful odor absorber that can help eliminate persistent odors from clothes. Here’s how you can use activated charcoal effectively:

  • Place activated charcoal in a breathable pouch or bag and hang it with your clothes. The charcoal will absorb and neutralize odors.
  • This method is particularly effective for removing odors from damp clothes or clothes that have been stored for a long time.
  • Placing a charcoal pouch with clothing you have in storage will help prevent the old clothes smell when you get them back out. 
  • Make sure to replace the activated charcoal regularly to maintain its odor-absorbing properties.

Eco-Friendly Methods to Keep Your Clothes Smelling Fresh

In addition to removing odors, it’s important to adopt eco-friendly methods to keep your clothes smelling fresh. These methods include using cold water for washing, choosing eco-friendly laundry detergents, air-drying your clothes, and using reusable dryer sheets. By incorporating these eco-friendly practices into your laundry routine, you can minimize environmental impact while ensuring that your clothes smell clean and fresh.

1. Cold Water Wash to Preserve Fabric and Environment

Using cold water for washing not only helps preserve the fabric of your clothes but also minimizes energy consumption. Here’s why you should opt for a cold water wash:

  • Cold water is gentler on the fabric and helps prevent color fading and shrinkage.
  • Warm water can cause skin cells and oils to adhere to the fabric, leading to odors.
  • Check the care label on your clothes to determine the recommended water temperature for washing.

2. Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergents

Using eco-friendly laundry detergents is another way to keep your clothes smelling fresh and minimize environmental impact. Here’s why you should consider switching to eco-friendly options:

  • Many mainstream laundry detergents contain harsh chemicals that can leave a residue on your clothes, leading to odors.
  • Eco-friendly laundry detergents are formulated with natural and biodegradable ingredients that are gentle on the fabric and the environment.
  • Use the recommended amount of detergent as using too much can leave a residue on your clothes, leading to odors.

3. Air-Drying Techniques

Air-drying your clothes is not only an eco-friendly option but also helps eliminate odors. Here are some air-drying techniques you can try:

  • Hang your clothes outside on a clothesline to allow them to dry in the fresh air and sunlight.
  • The UV rays from the sun help kill bacteria and eliminate odors.
  • If you don’t have access to an outdoor space, hang your clothes on a drying rack near an open window to benefit from fresh air circulation.
clothes being deodorized by UV

4. Reusable Dryer Sheets

Using reusable dryer sheets (or balls) is a sustainable alternative to traditional dryer sheets and fabric softeners. Here’s why you should consider making the switch:

  • Traditional dryer sheets often contain chemicals and synthetic fragrances that can leave a residue on your clothes and contribute to environmental pollution.
  • Reusable dryer sheets are made from natural materials and can be used multiple times before needing to be replaced.
  • Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the reusable dryer sheets for a pleasant scent without the use of synthetic perfumes.

Preventing Odors Before They Start

Preventing odors from occurring in the first place is key to keeping your clothes smelling fresh. Here are some preventive measures you can take:

  • Properly sort your laundry to avoid mixing damp and dry clothes, which can lead to bacterial growth and odors.
  • Regularly clean your washing machine to remove any residue or mildew that can transfer onto your clothes.
  • Avoid overloading the washer, as this can prevent proper cleaning and lead to lingering odors.
  • Choose the right laundry additives, such as fabric softener, bleach, or enzyme-based products, to effectively remove odors and keep your clothes fresh.

1. Proper Laundry Sorting

Properly sorting your laundry is essential for preventing odors and maintaining the quality of your clothes. Here are some sorting tips:

  • Separate sweaty clothes from other items to avoid transferring odors and bacteria.
  • Sort white clothing separately to prevent color transfer and maintain their brightness.
  • Check the care label of your clothes for specific sorting instructions and guidelines for colorfastness.
  • Avoid overloading the washer to ensure proper cleaning and prevent lingering odors.
laundry baskets that need to be sorted

2. Regular Cleaning of Washing Machine

Regularly cleaning your washing machine is crucial for preventing odors and maintaining its performance. Most machines have a wash cycle you can use, but check your manual for specific cleaning information.

3. Avoiding Overloading the Washer

Avoiding overloading the washer is essential for effective cleaning and preventing odors. Here’s why you should avoid overloading:

  • Overloading the washer can prevent proper water circulation and detergent distribution, resulting in inadequate cleaning.
  • Clothes that are tightly packed together may not have enough space to agitate and rub against each other, leading to lingering odors.
  • Garments made of delicate fabrics, such as polyester, require extra care and should not be overloaded to prevent damage and odors.
washing machine being loaded with clothing

4. Choosing the Right Laundry Additives

Choosing the right laundry additives can make a significant difference in preventing odors and keeping your clothes fresh. Here are some options to consider:

  • Fabric softener can help keep your clothes soft and static-free, but be mindful of the amount used to avoid residue buildup.
  • Bleach can be effective in removing tough stains and odors from white clothing, but check the care label to ensure it is safe to use.
  • Enzyme-based laundry products are designed to break down organic compounds, such as sweat and oils, helping to eliminate odors.

Advanced Techniques for Stubborn Odors

For stubborn odors that are difficult to remove with basic methods, there are advanced techniques you can try. These techniques include pre-soaking strategies, enzyme-based cleaners, and oxygen bleaches. By utilizing these advanced techniques, you can tackle even the most persistent odors and restore freshness to your clothes.

1. Pre-Soaking Strategies

Pre-soaking your clothes before washing can be an effective strategy for removing stubborn odors. Here’s how you can pre-soak your clothes:

  • Fill a tub or sink with water and add a laundry detergent or enzyme-based cleaner.
  • Submerge the clothes in the solution and let them soak for at least 30 minutes or overnight for particularly stubborn odors.
  • For workout clothes with sweat stains, you can pre-treat the stains with a stain remover before soaking.
  • After pre-soaking, wash the clothes as usual to remove any remaining odors.
fabric soaking in an enzyme cleaner

By incorporating pre-soaking strategies into your laundry routine, you can effectively eliminate stubborn odors and restore freshness to your clothes.

2. Enzyme-based Cleaners

Enzyme-based cleaners are specifically formulated to break down organic compounds, such as body oils, sweat, and grime, that can cause persistent odors in clothes. Here’s how you can use enzyme-based cleaners effectively:

  • Look for laundry detergents or stain removers that contain enzymes, specifically designed to target odor-causing stains.
  • Pre-treat stains with an enzyme-based cleaner before washing to ensure maximum effectiveness.
  • Follow the instructions on the product label for the recommended usage and dosage.
  • Enzyme-based cleaners can be particularly effective for removing stubborn odors from gym clothes or heavily soiled garments. 

3. Oxygen Bleaches

Oxygen bleaches are a powerful tool for removing tough stains and odors from white clothing. Here’s how you can use oxygen bleaches effectively:

  • Oxygen bleaches are non-chlorine-based and are generally safe to use on white clothing.
  • Follow the instructions on the product label for the recommended usage and dosage.
  • Test the bleach on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric to check for colorfastness.
  • Oxygen bleaches can be particularly effective in removing stubborn stains and odors from white clothing.
woman smelling fresh clean laundry


Keeping your clothes smelling fresh doesn’t have to be a hassle. From using baking soda to harnessing the power of sunlight and essential oils, there are plenty of eco-friendly ways to eliminate odors effectively. By following proper laundry sorting and cleaning techniques, you can prevent odors before they even start. For stubborn odors, consider pre-soaking strategies or enzyme-based cleaners. Remember, maintaining freshness is key to feeling confident in your attire. So, choose the right methods that suit your needs and enjoy odor-free clothes every day!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Clothes to Smell Even After Washing?

Clothes may still smell even after washing due to various reasons, including lingering bacteria, moisture, or mildew. These odors can be caused inadequate cleaning in the washing machine or improper drying methods.

Can All Fabrics Be Treated with These Methods?

Not all fabrics can be treated with the same methods. It’s important to check the care label of your clothes for specific instructions. For example, delicate garments or wool may require special care and should not be treated with bleach or harsh chemicals.

How Often Should I Clean My Washing Machine to Prevent Odors?

To prevent odors, it is recommended to clean your washing machine every few months. Regular cleaning helps remove residue and prevents the buildup of mildew, ensuring optimal performance and eliminating odors.

Are There Any Quick Fixes for Removing Odors on the Go?

For quick fixes on the go, you can use a spray bottle filled with water and a few drops of essential oil to freshen up your clothes. Hanging them in fresh air or using a fabric freshening spray can also help temporarily eliminate odors.

How Can I Make My Clothes Smell Fresh Without Washing?

To make your clothes smell fresh without washing, you can hang them in direct sunlight and fresh air to benefit from the natural disinfecting properties of sunlight. You can also use essential oils or activated charcoal to absorb and eliminate odors.