Back to School Home Reset Guide

As kids are headed back to school , it’s time to shift from summer fun to school routines. A home reset can help create calm and order. By de-cluttering, making new scheules, and organizing your home, you can turn your space into a calm retreat. This blog will prepare you for a successful school year ahead.

If you want extra help getting your home back to ship shape, reach out to us for a professional clean and delightful service.

Understanding the Need for a Home Reset Post-Summer

Summer is a time for fun and relaxation. It often means we don’t keep up with household chores. This change can make our homes feel a bit messy once school starts again. Remember those picnic meals in the living room and late-night games? Those joyful moments may have left some clutter behind.

This is why a home reset after summer is so important. It helps you refresh your space and bring back order. Getting your home in shape prepares it for the busy days ahead. It creates a clean area where learning, creativity, and family time can thrive.

The Impact of Summer Activities on Your Home

Remember when we built forts in the living room? Or how the laundry room turned into a spot for drying pool towels and swimsuits? Those fun times made great memories. However, they might have also left toys scattered around and piles of laundry. You may even find a forgotten inflatable pool toy here and there.

Do you recall those art projects we made when summer boredom struck? They are now hanging on the refrigerator. They take up space alongside permission slips and schedules for summer camp, adding to the mess of paper clutter.

But don’t worry. If we realize how much summer fun affects our homes, we can tackle the back-to-school reset with purpose and understanding.

Why a Reset is Essential for Welcoming Fall

As life changes from fun summer days to a more organized routine, having a clean and tidy home is really important. By dealing with the mess early, you help not just your home, but also your mind. It can lower stress and help mornings go smoother while making evenings more relaxing.

Think about coming home to a clean living room after a busy day. Seeing shelves that are neat and a coffee table without dust can make you feel better right away. This feeling of order is good for the whole family.

A reset in your space can bring calm and give you a sense of control. This is very different from the chaos of backpacks, permission slips, and packing lunches that comes with the back-to-school rush.

Preparing for Your Home Reset

Starting a home reset doesn’t have to be a big job. You can think of it as a fresh start for your space. Before you begin, take time to gather your cleaning supplies. Create a cleaning schedule just for you. Also, think about how to get the whole family involved.

This planning will help you succeed. It makes things easier and more fun. Remember, the aim is to refresh and improve, not to create more stress in your busy life.

Gathering Supplies for a Thorough Clean-Up

Having the right cleaning supplies ready can make resetting your home much easier. You won’t have to rush to the store for dish soap or cleaner. Before you start, check what you have and restock your cleaning supplies:

  • High-Quality Cleaning Products: Get effective, all-purpose cleaners. These will help reduce waste and make your cleaning job easier. A quick Google search can show you the best options for different surfaces. Our DIY vinegar cleaner is a great natural option to consider as well!
  • Microfiber Cloths: These are very useful. Use them to dust furniture, wipe surfaces, and clean glass without streaks. They are a much more eco friendly alternative to papertowels and they don’t leave lint on surfaces. 
  • Scrub Brushes: Different brushes, like dish brushes and grout brushes, can help clean various areas, making your work simpler.
  • Trash Bags and Storage Bins: You should be ready to get rid of clutter. Having trash bags and storage bins will help keep you organized while you declutter.

Creating a Customized Cleaning Schedule

A structured approach can prevent overwhelm and keep you motivated. Instead of tackling everything at once, break down your home reset into manageable tasks. Create a customized cleaning schedule that aligns with your family’s needs and time constraints, perhaps using checklists or an app for easy tracking. Here’s a sample:

Day Task Room
Day 1 Declutter and dust Living room
Day 2 Deep clean kitchen and pantry Kitchen
Day 3 Organize bedrooms and study spaces Bedrooms
Day 4 Refresh bathrooms Bathrooms
Day 5 Organize entryway and mudroom Entryway

Feel free to adjust this schedule based on your home’s size and your family’s priorities. Integrating reminders on your Google Home can also help you stay on track.

Involving Family Members in the Reset Process

A home reset is something for the whole family. Get everyone involved, even the small ones. Give tasks that fit their age. Young kids can sort toys or put away books. Older kids can help with dusting or vacuuming.

Make it fun while you work. Play some lively music, use a timer to see how fast you can finish a task, or give small rewards for jobs done well. This way, boring chores can turn into fun times and laughter together.

Step-by-Step Guide to a Back to School Home Reset

Step 1: Decluttering Common Areas

Start with the most important part of your home: the living room. First, remove any clutter left from summer. This includes toys, magazines, or old craft supplies. A good rule is: if it doesn’t belong, find it a place, donate it, or throw it away.

Next, focus on flat surfaces like coffee tables, side tables, and bookshelves. Dust them off, organize the items, and think about adding some decorations to bring in the cozy feel of fall. A warm throw or a seasonal candle can change the whole feel of the room.

Keep in mind that the goal is to make a friendly and useful space for family relaxation and homework. A clean living room creates a great place for quality time and focused study.

Step 2: Deep Cleaning High-Traffic Zones

With decluttering done, focus on areas that get a lot of use. These places, like kitchens, bathrooms, and entryways, need special attention. Deep cleaning your kitchen is a great 2nd step. This means cleaning counters, sinks, and appliances well. Don’t forget the dishwasher!

In bathrooms, start with tubs, toilets, and mirrors. Check the spots we often miss, like grout lines and showerheads. Change towels and bath mats to make the space feel like a spa.

Next, take care of your laundry room. Wipe down the machines, organize your cleaning supplies, and fold laundry quickly. This will help stop piles from building up. Remember, high-traffic areas need regular care to stay clean.

Step 3: Organizing Bedrooms for Optimal Study Spaces

As summer comes to an end and schedules return, bedrooms become places for sleep and study. Help your kids adjust to this new season of life by setting up organized and inspiring study areas. Clear off desks, sort out school supplies, and make special spots for books, laptops, and creative projects.

Encourage your family to throw away old papers, art, and things they no longer need. This will help make space for the year ahead. You could use a “keep or toss” system with bins or folders to make things easier.

For organizing digital items, make separate folders for schoolwork, assignments, and activities. Set specific times to check and answer emails. This will help create a calm and focused study area.

Step 4: Refreshing the Kitchen and Pantry for Healthy School Lunches

A kitchen that is organized and stocked well makes it easy to pack healthy school lunches. Start by sorting out the pantry. Throw away expired items, tidy up the shelves, and set up special areas for snacks, breakfast foods, and lunchbox needs. Using clear containers can help you see what you have available.

Then, check the fridge. Get rid of any old leftovers, clean the shelves, and make areas for fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Having a clean fridge keeps food fresh and encourages better eating habits.

Lastly, make packing lunches easier. Buy reusable containers and water bottles. Set up a special space for lunchboxes to make packing easy— even young kids can help pack healthy snacks or make sandwiches!

Step 5: Setting Up a Functional Entryway for School Gear

The entryway can quickly turn into a messy zone for backpacks, shoes, and sports gear. To stop this clutter from spreading to other parts of your home, make a special place for each family member’s items.

Put up hooks for backpacks and coats. Use shelves for shoes and maybe add a bench or storage boxes for easy access. A clean entryway helps keep your whole home more organized. It also makes busy school mornings easier.

Encourage your family to follow a “one-touch” rule. This means they should touch their things only once and put them in their right spots as soon as they come in. This easy habit can really cut down on clutter and make your home feel more calm and inviting.

Maintaining Your Reset Home Through the School Year

You have worked hard to make your home calm and organized. Now, you need to keep this fresh start going throughout the school year. Instead of feeling stressed about it, focus on being consistent and taking small steps that matter.

Just like a healthy lifestyle, keeping your home neat means building simple habits into your day. Simple tasks, like taking 5 minutes to tidy up or sticking to a weekly cleaning plan, can make a big difference in how orderly and peaceful your home feels. Keep in mind that even a little effort can lead to great results!

Implementing Daily and Weekly Cleaning Routines

  • Add quick and easy cleaning tasks to your daily routine. This can include wiping down kitchen counters after meals, sorting the mail right when it arrives, and recycling junk right away. You can also do a quick sweep or vacuum in busy areas.
  • For deeper cleaning, create a weekly schedule. Give specific chores to different family members. This helps share the work and encourages everyone to take pride in a clean and organized home.
  • Use checklists or a cleaning app to keep track of your tasks. Seeing completed jobs can motivate you. Remember, small actions every day lead to a more organized and calm space.

Tips for Quick Clutter Management

Clutter can pile up fast, especially in busy homes. You can fight this by following the “one in, one out” rule. When you get something new, try to donate or throw out an old item that is similar.

Also, have a “10-minute tidy” time before you go to bed. Set a timer and get the whole family involved in quickly cleaning the common areas. Put away toys, books, and other items. This easy habit stops clutter from collecting while you sleep. It helps you wake up to a calm space.

Share your cleaning wins with others! Take before-and-after pictures of areas you’ve tidied up. Or you can share a simple tip on Instagram that helps keep your home nice. These pictures not only motivate others but also help you stick to keeping a neat and peaceful home.


In conclusion, resetting your home for back-to-school is important for a smooth shift into fall. By cleaning, decluttering, and organizing your living areas, you make a space that helps learning and getting things done. When you include family in this process, it builds responsibility and teamwork. Keeping up with daily and weekly cleaning helps keep your home tidy and useful during the school year. Take the chance to reset your home so it feels welcoming and organized for the challenges of school ahead. Happy resetting!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Do a Home Reset?

Scheduling a home reset depends on your family’s season of life and what you like. Some people think it’s good to reset every season. Others like to do it twice a year. Focus more on getting good results rather than how often you do it. You can also use your Google Home to set reminders that match your reset plan.

Can I Reset My Home on a Budget?

A home reset can FREE! Use what you already own. Try repurposing containers or jars for storage. There are free apps and online resources that provide checklists, cleaning schedules, and tips for organizing. A budget-friendly way to reset your home helps you keep it tidy and clean without spending too much.

What Are the Best Storage Solutions for School Supplies?

High-quality storage for school supplies can be clear bins, drawer organizers, and wall-mounted systems. These choices help keep your items visible and easy to reach while reducing clutter. If you want some ideas and product suggestions, just do a quick search on Google. You will find many tidy storage options that fit your needs.

How Can I Involve My Kids in the Home Reset Process?

Get your kids involved in cleaning the house by giving them simple tasks, like sorting toys or folding laundry. Make it a fun family activity. You can use a Google Home timer for exciting challenges. This way, chores become teamwork opportunities and help create great memories.

Tips for Keeping High-Traffic Areas Clean and Organized

  • In busy places, use the “one-touch” rule.
  • Ask family members to put things away right away.
  • A fast Google search shows many tips for organizing.
  • Some ideas include using trays for keys and mail.
  • Keep shoes in one spot and clean surfaces often.